FISH REPORT — ONS-matthews — 24oct18
Compiled by Jim Matthews
The fish report is weekly. Its accuracy depends on marina operators, tackle shops, and local fishermen we contact. Anglers catching large fish should send the information to Outdoor News Service, P.O. Box 9007, San Bernardino, CA 92427, or telephone 909-887-3444, so it can be included in this report. E-Mail messages or fishing reports can also be posted to Jim Matthews at odwriter@verizon.net.
This report is posted weekly on the Outdoor News Service web site (www.OutdoorNewsService.com) by Thursday afternoon. The fish report is copyrighted and any use or reposting of the report, or portions of the report, is prohibited without written permission. Posting of links to the Outdoor News Service web site is allowed.
- The striped bass bite in the California aqueduct has blown up this week with good to excellent fishing across much of the Antelope Valley. Some bigger fish are showing early on topwater, but most of the action has been three-inch white swimbaits or cutbaits drifted in the current. Most are school-sized fish to two or three pounds, but some bigger fish to 17 pounds this week. There is also a very good bite on largemouth bass on small Road Runner-type bladed jigs ripped near the surface. For an update on this bite, call Amaysing Fishing Bait & Tackle at 661-429-5824.
- Pyramid Lake remains in the top picks because of the good striper bite on smaller one to two-pound fish. The fish are best on live shad if you can dip net some, but also showing in good numbers on cut baits or small swimbaits when they are on the surface. There is also a good black bass bite. For an update on this action, call the Pyramid entrance booth at 661-295-7155.
- Apollo Park Lake remains in the top picks yet another week because it is still the place to go with the family for the excellent action on panfish (bluegill and warmouth) and small catfish. A few quality catfish from two to five pounds continue to show in the lake with the single island (lake two). This action keeps this spot in the top picks for another week. For an update, call Apollo Park at 661-940-7701 or Amaysing Fishing Bait & Tackle at 661-429-5824.
HESPERIA LAKE: Catfish plants continue here with a 1,000 plants last Thursday and another slated to go in this week. The catfish action has been good on shrimp, mackerel and nightcrawlers. But Triple XXX Stink Bait has been the hot ticket. Most of the fish are from 1-8 to 2-8, but some bigger fish are in each plant. Catfish to 12 pounds were reported this past week with quite a few limits. No information on when trout season will begin. Lake information: 800-521-6332 or 760-244-5951.
JESS RANCH LAKES: The trout bite stayed mostly slow over the past week, but some fish are showing early in the morning, and the best action has been on PowerBait in spring green, salmon peach, and garlic or nightcrawlers, and small trout jigs. The rainbows are averaging around two pounds, and the top spots have been the northern and western shores of lake 2, and the eastern logged shore and western shore near the drain of lake 3. The largemouth bass bite has been fair to good on the northern and southern shores of lake 2 near the inlets, and on lake 3 near pump house. The best bite has been on Senko-type baits, spinnerbaits, and drop-shotted plastics or nightcrawlers with fish to five pounds. There is a pretty good bluegill bite on nightcrawlers and meal worms with fish weighing up to a pound. Hot spots for bluegill are the western shore of lake 3 near the pump house and the western shore of lake 2 near the drain. A few catfish are being caught on shrimp and garlic-marshmallow/nightcrawler combos. Best area to catch them is northern and western shore of lake 2. For more information call (760)240-1107 or go to www.jessranchlakesnews.com.
MOJAVE NARROWS: County trout plants are not expected to start until November, but the first DFW trout plant of the year is set for next week. Catfish plants are over for the season. The catfish bite is slow with only a few cats showing early or late in the day on the shrimp and marshmallow combo. There is still a fair bluegill bite on fish up to hand-sized on small baits fished beneath bobbers around the tules. The park is closed Tuesday and Wednesday. Information, call 760-245-2226.
APOLLO PARK LAKE: This bite just wonít slow down. There is still very good action on small bluegill, warmouth, and small catfish to 10 inches long. All three species are showing on small worms, meal worms, red worms, crickets, or nightcrawler pieces fished under a bobber or split shotted on the bottom. There continue to be a fair number of catfish from three to five pounds showing on stink baits and mackerel with early morning and evening the best times to fish. The lake with a single island continues to be the best spot (pond two) for these better fish. There is also a pretty good bite on carp to eight pounds, with the bigger dough baits balls getting the bigger fish. Also a few bass to two pounds showing, but most are small and being caught on small spinnerbaits. Trout season is slated to start with the trout tournament Saturday, Nov. 3. The plant for the tournament will be 4,500 pounds, including 1,500 pounds of trophy rainbows. Entry fee is $20. For more information, contact Apollo Park at 661-940-7701 or Amaysing Fishing Bait & Tackle at 661-429-5824.
JACKSON LAKE (NEAR WRIGHTWOOD): Few reports, but a fair number of small bluegill continue to be reported on meal worms and nightcrawler pieces. No trout or bass reports. For updated information, call Amaysing Fishing Bait & Tackle at 661-429-5824.
LAKE PALMDALE: The lake is closed to fishing until February, when trout season will kick off with heavy stocks of fish. Call the Palmdale Fin & Feather Club for membership and fishing information at 661-947-2884 or go to website at www.palmdalefinandfeatherclub.com.
QUAIL LAKE: Catfish at outlet 11 p.m., not wide open, but good quality The catfish bite has not been wide open, but there have been some excellent quality fish caught at night during this full moon period. The catfish have been best at the outlet but some fish off the north shoreline. Cut baits are still the best baits and adding scent (or pre-scented baits) has been the hot ticket. A few stripers are showing, but this bite slowed this week. The bluegill action has continued fair at the parking area and along the south shoreline tules(along Highway 138) on bobber-suspended baits. A few largemouth bass also continue to show along this south shoreline along the tules on plastics and cranks, or off the north side points on the same baits. For updated information, call Amaysing Fishing Bait & Tackle at 661-429-5824.
CALIFORNIA AQUEDUCT (Little Rock to Quail Lake stretch): The striper bite has broken pretty much wide open throughout the Antelope Valley spots, east to west, and it ís been a day bite during this full moon phase. Most are two to three pounders and showing on white swimbaits and scented cut baits drifted in the current. Most are two to three pounds, but there have been a decent number of fish from seven to 17 pounds reported over the past week. There are also big, roving schools of small largemouth bass eight to 10 inches long that have been providing fun action on Road Runner-type bladed jigs ripped near the surface. There continue to be a few tilapia showing in the Pearblossom area at 25th Avenue at the curve. While few anglers are fishing catfish right now, the bait drifters continue to get a few cats to eight pounds or better. For updated information, call Amaysing Fishing Bait & Tackle at 661-429-5824.
CENTRAL PARK LAKE (CALIFORNIA CITY): Fair to good bite on small bluegill on meal worms and wax worms. A few carp showing on dough baits, and the odd small catfish is being caught.
LITTLE ROCK RESERVOIR: Crappie slowed, but some decent largemouth bass are still being caught with fish to three pounds. Most of the fish are one to three pounds. Also a few catfish and bluegill being caught, but there has been light fishing pressure. The lake remains open, but the U.S. Forest Service (Angeles National Forest) may close the area in the near future. The Palmdale Water District has an ongoing sediment removal project.
SILVERWOOD: There is a fair to good bite on mostly small stripers at the inlet and dam area. Most of the fish are showing on anchovies, blood, worms, and lug worms in the mornings, but the bite on small swimbaits has continued to improve. Most are under two three pounds, but fish to nine pounds reported in the past week. Tony Valenzuela, Adelanto, had 10 stripers to four pounds on sardine at the dam, while Ray Williams, Hesperia, landed 10 to three pounds fishing anchovies at the spillway. The bluegill bite is fair to good at the docks and along the edges of the weeds on worms and jigs tipped with wax worms or meal worms. Few reports of catfish or largemouth this week. A reminder: the dam is closed to angler access. Anglers should be aware of health advisories for the consumption of fish from this lake because of high PCB and mercury levels in the fish flesh and skin. Hereís the direct link to a PDF brochure explaining consumption recommendations: http://www.oehha.ca.gov/fish/so_cal/pdf_zip/081013KioskadvySilverwood.pdf. Dock fishing is allowed for $3 for adults, $2 for kids and seniors. Private boats must be inspected for zebra and quagga mussels. Boats with wet lower units will be turned away. Boats inspected and tagged at Diamond Valley and Perris will be allowed at Silverwood. The park is open seven days a week. Information: marina 760-389-2299, state park 760-389-2281, Silverwood Country store 760-389-2423.
BIG BEAR LAKE: The trout are moving into their fall pattern with small schools of rainbows scattered from the Solar Observatory west to the buoy line. The bite is pretty good for both trollers and shoreline anglers. The bankies are using PowerBait or inflated nightcrawlers on slip bobber rigs from the Red House east to Grayís LOanding. There is also a good bite early in the morning from the old dam to the buoy line with a lot of nice holdover rainbows showing in this area on small jigs or drop-shot nightcrawlers and trout plastics. Trolling and drifting from boats has been best from the observatory to Windy Point or in the Trout Alley area (SS Relief to the west public ramp and off the south shoreline. The fish are mostly in six to 14 feet of water. Rapalas, Needlefish, and nightcrawlers drifted on a wedding ring harness are getting the most fish. Most of the private marinas will shut down by mid-November, but the west public ramp should remain open to Nov. 30. For information on fishing, call Big Bear Sporting Goods at 909-866-3222 or visit the store ís Facebook page.
GREGORY LAKE: No fishing report. There will also be a Veteranís Day Trout Derby November 10. Pre-registration is $30 for adults (16 and older) and $20 for youths. Day-of-event registration is $40 and $25. Veterans entry is $15. First prize for the longest fish (not heaviest) is $1,000 for adults, $500 for second, and $250 for third. There will also be prize drawings among all entrants. The lake will be heavily stocked prior to this event, including some trophy fish. For more derby information, call 909-264-0973. Lake and fishing information at 909-338-2233 or on the website at http://lakegregoryrecreation.com/fish. Fishing updates are posted infrequently on the parkís Facebook page or website.
GREEN VALLEY LAKE: The bite has been slow to fair, as the number of trout decline. The final two plants of the season were three and five weeks ago, and both were 400-pound plants from Jess Ranch. The boat rental is now closed for the season, and the lake facilities close Oct. 31. The website is www.gvlfishing.com and the Facebook page is Green Valley Lake Fishing.
CASTAIC: The action continues fair to good but it is finally slowing down with each cool night. The stripers are still boiling a little on top, but most of the fish are in deeper water or coming up more sporadically now. The action is best on trolled umbrella rigs with fish to six pounds reported this week. The largemouth bass remain good. They are still hammering shad schools on top where the bite is good on topwater and reaction baits, or in deeper water on plastics when not on top. Dustin Child, Agua Dulce, had five largemouth to three pounds on shad imitations. The lower lake is still very good for panfish, both redear and bluegill, but most of the fish are hand-sized now. The best bite has been on wax worms, meal worms, and nightcrawler pieces. The catfish bite has been slow to fair in the evenings on cut baits doused with scent in both the upper and lower lakes. For information call the marina at 661-775-6232 (www.CastaicLake.com) or Tackle Express at 661-251-8700.
PYRAMID: The striper bite has remained very good for shore anglers fishing the rip rap in front of the boat shop and in the canal by the entrance booth. Boat anglers are getting a lot of fish at Yellowbar, Spanish Point, and in the marina area. Less topwater but some early in the morning boils, and then a good bite on sardines, lug worms, nightcrawlers, and chicken liver later in the day. If there is a problem with this bite, it is simply that few of the fish top two pounds and most are one-pounders. Jonathan Tracy, Frazier Park, had a three-pound striper on a nightcrawler. The largemouth and smallmouth bass bass have been good on nightcrawlers, plastics and reaction baits, especially cranks and jerk baits along most shorelines and along the edges of the vegetation. Lots of fish to three pounds, but the bite is mostly in the morning. The catfish bite is slowing with just fair action on sardines, chicken liver and nightcrawlers in deeper water in all coves and rip rap areas, with the boat launch area a top spots. Bluegill are fair on meal worms, wax worms, and small jigs. No crappie reports. There is a health warning about eating fish from Pyramid Lake (except the rainbow trout). More information at this link: http://www.oehha.ca.gov/fish/so_cal/pyramidlake2013.html. Information: Emigrant Landing entrance booth at 661-295-7155 or Tackle Express at 661-251-8700.
ARIZONA FISHING REPORTS: The Arizona Game and Fish Department compiles a weekly report for most waters in the state, including the Colorado Rivers. Anglers can read the report at this direct link: http://azgfd.net/artman/publish/FishingReport/.
FLOW INFORMATION: Reservoir elevation levels and flow releases for the entire lower Colorado River are available at this web site with information updated hourly: www.usbr.gov/lc/region/g4000/hourly/rivops.html.
LAKE ISABELLA: The bite on crappie from three-quarter pound to a little better than a pound continues to be good for boat and float tube anglers fishing in 20 to 30 feet of water with small jigs and minnows. The catfish action is fair with most of the fish from two to four pounds showing on shad, clams, Triple S Channel Catfish Bait (Sonnyís), and cut baits doused with scent also producing. The bluegill are best in less than 10 feet of water on meal worms or wax worms, and the Boulder Gulch area has been particularly good. A few bass continue to show in 12 to 25 feet of water on drop-shot plastics, but a few on cranks or topwater early and late in the day. The carp bite remains inconsistent, but still fair on dough baits. For fishing information: Bobís Bait 661-833-8657 or www.bobsbaitbucket.com, North Fork Marina at 760-376-1812, or Copeís Tackle and Rod Shop at 661-679-6351 or www.tackleandrod.com.
KERN RIVER: The trout bite slowed way down over the weekend, but trout plants this week in sections 4, 5, and 6 should perk this bite. There were plants in the same stretched two and four weeks ago. A lot of the fish have been into the 12 to 13-inch range. The best bite has been on crickets, nightcrawlers, and salmon eggs. Fly anglers continue having decent action on wild fish in the low flows, especially in the upper reaches of the roadside water and up into the wild trout water past the Kernville bridge. The lower river flows are very low and the bite has been fair to good on bass with nightcrawlers or plastic worms. The catfish action has also been pretty fair in the pools on clams and nightcrawlers. Information: Kern River Fly Shop 760-376-2040 or (www.kernriverflyfishing.com) or Gateway Market 760-376-2424.
AQUEDUCT NEAR TAFT: There continues to be a fair number of stripers showing on topwater and near surface baits like Flukes or Gitzits with a decent number of keeper fish being caught. The bait bite is as good with blood and lug worms the best baits, and the weed problem is slowly getting better. Good largemouth bite has emerged in the last couple of week with fish to three pounds, mostly on Flukes and Senkos. The catfish bite is fair and improving on shard, sardines, anchovies, blood worms, chicken liver, and Wussy Bait. Anglers are reminded the limit on stripers is two fish greater than 18 inches, while the largemouth limit is five fish. Information: Bobís Bait 661-833-8657 or www.bobsbaitbucket.com or Copeís Tackle and Rod Shop at 661-679-6351 or www.tackleandrod.com.
MILL CREEK PARK AND CANAL: A few catfish showing on cut baits or nightcrawlers, especially morning and evening. A few carp also being caught on dough baits and Powder Bait.
RIVER WALK PARK LAKE: Not much change. The bluegill and carp action remains pretty fair. Bluegill are best on wax worms with meal worms the next best. Carp are best on Powder Bait or Wussy Bait and other dough baits. Slow other species with only an occasional bass being caught on plastics and Senkos early morning or late evening. Information Bobís Bait 661-833-8657.
HART PARK LAKE: The bluegill bite remains a good bet with the best action on wax worms, meal worms, and nightcrawler pieces. A few bass are also showing very early in the morning or at night on reaction baits, mostly topwater and jerkbaits. The morning, evening, and night bite on catfish has been stayed pretty fair for anglers fly-lining cut baits. The carp bite is fair on Powder Bait, Wussy Bait, or other dough baits.
TRUXTUN LAKE: The bluegill and carp bites remain fair to good, and a few bass to three pounds have been reported. Bluegill have been best on wax worms, meal worms, or nightcrawler pieces, while the carp are best on dough baits. Bass are best on reaction bait, plastics, or nightcrawlers.
MING LAKE: Continues good bluegill action on meal worms or wax worms, and the bass action has been fair on plastics, nightcrawlers, and reaction baits morning and late afternoon. The carp are fair on Powder Bait or Wussy Bait. The dawn, dusk, and night catfish bite has also continued to be fair, especially for anglers fishing super meal worms or cut baits in combination with nightcrawlers.
BRITE LAKE: There crappie bite remains fair to good for float tubers fishing deeper water off the launch ramp, mostly on small jigs tipped with meals. There have been lots of 10 to 12-inch fish reported again in the past week. There also continues to be an excellent bite on small bass from six to 10 inches on small lures and garlic nightcrawlers with topwater action early and late in the day. Also fair to good action on bluegill on small baits like meal worms and jigs, and the odd catfish continues to show.
BUENA VISTA LAKES: There continues to be a good bite on bluegill up to hand-sized with an occasional bigger fish. The best action is on wax worms and meal worms. There is a fair bite on smaller catfish, mostly on nightcrawlers, chicken liver, with a few on shad. The carp are fair to good on Powder Bait and Wussy Bait but getting little pressure. Bass are fair at best, but some are showing along the weed edges on plastics and most are small. Fishing information: Bobís Bait 661-833-8657 or www.bobsbaitbucket.com or Copeís Tackle and Rod Shop at 661-679-6351 or www.tackleandrod.com.
SUCCESS LAKE: The bass and crappie action slowed last week, but has been picking back up during the full moon this week. Fair to good action for crappie and bass. The bass are best on smaller plastics fished drop-shot and split-shot style. Most of the bass are in the two-pound range but a few to five pounds are showing in this bite. The crappie are decent fish around three-quarter pound to a pound and the action is mostly on small minnows with some on jigs. Bluegill are fair on red worms, wax worms, and meal worms, mostly fished under a bobber. Also a few catfish showing on cut baits and dip baits. The water level has dropped enough that the main ramp is not being used, and anglers are launched at Lure Point. Information: Sequoia Fishing Company at 559-539-5626, www.sequoiafishingcompany.com or Copeís Tackle and Rod Shop at 661-679-6351 or www.tackleandrod.com.
KAWEAH LAKE: The water level continues to drop, but there continues to be a pretty fair bass bite on plastics and small swimbaits, but the fish are mostly in deeper water except early and late in the day. The bluegill bite remains good, and the catfish bite has been pretty fair. Information: Sierra Sporting Goods at 559-592-5212.
Top Eastern Sierra fishing report web sites are: www.KensSport.com (Bridgeport region), www.TheTroutFly.com (Mammoth Lakes region), and www.SierraDrifters.com (Bishop and Mammoth Lakes region).
For trout plants statewide, you can visit the DFWís stocking page at https://nrm.dfg.ca.gov/FishPlants/. This page is frequently updated after this news report is published so the current week, next week ís, and even previous week ís plant information may change.
For the most comprehensive and up-to-date ocean fishing available, go to www.976-TUNA.com.
Please feel free to send your freshwater or saltwater fishing reports and fishing photos to Jim Matthews, Outdoor News Service, at odwriter@verizon.net and the information will be included in the weekly report. If you have questions or comments, please call Matthews at 909-887-3444.